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Directories (54)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
Aidan & Julia! B&W2   Aidan's amazing close-up! B&W2   Anthony Hopkins close-up! Color2
Beautiful Karina! Color2   Beautiful woman & gun! Color2   Brad on a horse! Color2
Coffee, tea, or... Color2   Dashing Aidan Quinn! B&W2   Director Ed Zwick! Color2
Emotional Julia Ormond. B&W2   Father & son! Color2   Fun in the sun! Color2
Good-looking Henry! B&W2   Haunted Aidan Quinn. Color2   Henry grown up! Color2
MAC_ _I'll wait for you._ sound2   MAC_ Brad's inner voices. QT2   MAC_ He became legend! QT2
MAC_ Heart of the wilderness! QT2   MAC_ In love with you. sound2   MAC_ Intro to Tristan! sound2
MAC_ Legends of the Fall Mag2   MAC_ Legends of the Fall MM Kit2   MAC_ No more talk of war! sound2
MAC_ Nothin' but trouble. sound2   MAC_ Passion & betrayal. QT2   MAC_ Samuel enlists. sound2
MAC_ Soldier's die. sound2   MAC_ Susannah's question. sound2   MAC_ War sounds. sound2
Montana River! Color2   One Stab! B&W2   Sexy Brad Pitt! Color2
Sexy Julia Ormond!Color2   Strong-willed Pitt. B&W2   The Happy Couple! Color2
The Ludlow brothers! B&W2   Three on a porch! Color2   Uh oh - Brad & Julia! B&W2
What a smile! Color2   WIN_ _I'll wait for you._ sound2   WIN_ Brad's inner voices. AVI2
WIN_ He became legend! AVI2   WIN_ In love with you. sound2   WIN_ Intro to Tristan! sound2
WIN_ Legends of the Fall MM Kit2   WIN_ No more talk of war! sound2   WIN_ Nothin' but trouble. sound2
WIN_ Passion & betrayal. AVI2   WIN_ Samuel enlists. sound2   WIN_ Soldier's die. sound2
WIN_ Susannah's question. sound2   WIN_ The wilderness! AVI2   WIN_ War sounds. sound2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 15b 2014-11-29